News - Uni-Flex Cobot

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Uni-Flex cobot video news.

Here are some videos on our YouTube channel, here you can follow our latest developments. Don’t forget to subscribe, you can click the bell icon to receive notifications when new videos are released.
'' Our first presence at the Empack 2019 automation fair in Mechelen was a success.
Our new product, the Uni-Flex cobot, attracted many curious people.
We had a lot of nice conversations with interested people. To be repeated :-) ''

Danny Van den Heuvel, OWNER VDH SYSTEMS
'' Uni-Flex Cobot working at one of our clients''
We created the project from A to Z, building the tool head with our inhouse 3D printers and
program everything together into one complete solution.
Danny Van den Heuvel, OWNER VDH SYSTEMS
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